India Auli – Adventure

From 2,500AED per traveller. Excl. flights

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Embark on this Auli snow skiing tour and witness beautiful landscapes while enjoying one of the highest and finest ski slopes in India.

  • Ski Training – Basics
  • Ski Lessons at advance slopes
  • Ski lesson and practice
  • Self Skiing
  • Auli tour – Kwani Bugyal, Gorson Bugyal, Auli Artifical Lake


Educational Benefits
  • dentifying the environmental challenges
  • Hands on experience in Skiing
  • Adapting to unfamiliar surrounding
  • Facing challenges with creative and innovative solutions
  • Exposure to Inter-culture environment
  • Identifying and channelling physical and emotional strength
  • Pushing hard for tougher resilience and determination
  • Practicing planning and time management for better execution
  • Building self confidence
  • Building Team bonding and leadership skills through group activities